Monday, February 26, 2007

More Baby, Less Blob

I know it's been a while since the last time we updated, but there hasn't been too much to report. After enjoying our vacation in Barbados I discovered that my jeans were just a bit too snug to keep buttoned on the plane ride home. I blame it on baby, not on all the bad food that crossed my lips while I was away, but now, my pants seem to fit again, so perhaps baby cannot be blamed. In a panic, I did run out and buy a Bella Band, and was relieved to discover how cute the maternity clothes were at Baby Dance Maternity. I haven't tried out the Bella Band yet, but I'll report back once I do.

Anyhow, today Dan and I went in for another ultrasound -- this was for a nuchal test, which I guess is really common in New York City, and is something of a pre-screening for some different birth defects. Since it's just an ultrasound (& a few drops of blood), there's no risks associated with it, so they do it on everyone (even not-so-old pregnant ladies like me).

The good news is that it meant we got a better look at our ever-growing baby. This time, we could actually recognize the baby's head, arms, etc. rather than having them point and tell us and have us murmer in agreement. We're happy to report that everything looked good. (For the record, Dan claims the baby has his spine, and I believe it has my brain.)